In accordance with Spanish regulations governing the use of cookies in relation to the provision of electronic communications services, the information contained in the Royal Decree-law 13/2012, of March 30, on the cookies used on the website of Vibroacustica Control and Isolation, SL (hereinafter, the “VIBCON“) and the reason for its use. Likewise, VIBCON informs you that by browsing the Website you are giving your consent to use them.
The cookies used on our Website are our own and those of third parties, and allow us to store and access information related to the language, the type of browser used, and other general characteristics predefined by the user, as well as to follow and analyze the activity that it carries out, in order to introduce improvements and provide our services in a more efficient and personalized way. VIBCON does not use advertising or behavioral advertising cookies.
The use of cookies offers numerous advantages in the provision of services of the information society, since, among others: (i) it facilitates to the user browsing the Website and access to the different services offered; (ii) prevents the user from configuring the predefined general characteristics each time he accesses the Website; (iii) favors the improvement of the operation and of the services provided through the Website, after the corresponding analysis of the information obtained through the installed cookies.
However, you can configure your browser, accepting or rejecting all cookies, or select those whose installation is supported and which are not, following one of the following procedures, depending on the browser used:
Google Chrome (in the Tools Menu)
Configuration > Show advanced options > Privacy (Content Configuration) > Cookies
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Microsoft Internet Explorer (in the Tools Menu)
Options de Internet > Privacy > Advanced
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Options > Privacy > Cookies
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Safari, iPad & iPhone
Preferences > Privacy
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Configuration > Options > Advanced > Cookies
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VIBCON uses in its website:
Cookie | Name | Pupose | More information |
Google Analytics | __utma | This cookie keeps a track of the number of times a user has been on a site, when it was their first visit, and when their last visit occurred. | – Centro de privacidad de Google |
Google Analytics | __utmb | This cookie helps to calculate how long a user’s visit lasts by storing the moment he entered. | – Centro de privacidad de Google |
Google Analytics | __utmc | This cookie helps to calculate how long a user’s visit lasts by storing the moment he leaves the page. | – Centro de privacidad de Google |
Google Analytics | __utmz | This cookie keeps track of where the visitor comes from, what search engine was used, what link he clicked on, what keywords he used and in which part of the world the page was accessed. | – Centro de privacidad de Google |
Google Analytics | __utmli | These Google Analytics cookies generate an anonymous user ID, which is used to count how many times a user visits the site. It also records when it was the first and last time you visited the web. It also calculates when a session has ended, the user’s origin, and keywords. | – Centro de privacidad de Google |
In other VIBCON sites, third-party cookies are installed to all your visitors, even if they are not registered users in the corresponding platforms:
VIBCON en LinkedIn. Cookies: JSESSIONID, visit, bcookie, S-LI-IDC, L1e, X-LI-IDC, _qca, RT, __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz, __utmv, leo_auth_token, lang. Sus finalidades están descritas en la Página de Cookies de LinkedIn.